Crafting a Better Generation
Tired of fitting your ideas into a pre-determined conference framework? Need to get something off your mind?
True to the TelcoForge ideals of community voices, this is your chance. Alongside the live event, 6G Forge will host the virtual Unconference.
- Anyone can send in a video suited to the theme “Crafting a Better Next Generation” with a talk, presentation, demo or whatever your imagination allows. Technical, business, operations, policy, customers… you name it. There are six rules below to keep the unconference useful.
- Closing date for submissions will be 2nd April 2025.
- The TelcoForge team will review your video to make sure it fits the rules below and the theme. All compliant videos will be published on 6G Forge’s website during the event and afterwards.
For any questions and to make submissions, please use the email address alex.lawrence@telcoforge.com

The Rules
- No sales pitches!
- Tie it into the theme, “Crafting the next generation”. Whether that’s to do with technology, operations, recruitment, manufacturing… there’s a lot of scope.
- 5 minutes is ideal, 8 minutes is maximum.
- A maximum of 2 videos per company/organisation.
- Original content only.
- Controversy is great, legally problematic content isn’t.
- No sales pitches!