6G Forge

Firing Up a (R)evolution!


14-16 April 2025

Sophia Antipolis

& Online

Event Partners


We take some time to summarise the activities and discussions of the previous day.


We share three perspectives from business and thought leaders working to reframe their businesses for the long-term, in ways which cross industry or organisational boundaries.

Discussion and Q&A based on the keynotes above. A chance for the audience to share their own experiences as well.


Enjoy a chance to greet old friends and make new ones over refreshments.


The evolution to 6G isn’t happening in a vacuum. How does 6G fit with these other major trends in the industry, if at all? Join us for deep discussion with a panel of industry experts and audience Q&A.


Enjoy the best of the South of France’s food and prepare for an intensive afternoon of thought-provoking discussion.

We hear from a panel of experts transforming their non-telco businesses about the pain points they currently experience, what their plans are and where 5G and beyond might offer value… if we can structure the offerings in the right way.


Notoriously, only a minority of 3GPP specifications reach commercialisation while some promising ideas get squashed in the deliberation process. There are very few levers to steer the direction of 3GPP and its members.  What changes would make 3GPP more user-friendly, more productive or more responsive to demand… and is that desirable?


Time for a coffee and discussions with your fellow attendees. 


This is one of the tropes that people come out with, alongside ‘the even numbers deliver what the odd numbers promise.’ What actual outcomes are people looking for? Is this magical thinking? Or is it a sign that we should re-focus on outstanding problems?


After the day’s discussions we ask the audience to decide what they think about 6G development, with a little helpful persuasion from two sets of debaters for and against the motion. 


As we draw the event to a close for the day, this is your chance to enjoy the sights and sensations of the Cote D’Azur


The Venue

EURECOM is a Graduate school and Research Centre in digital sciences located in the Sophia Antipolis technology park (French Riviera), a major European place for telecommunications activities.

It was founded in 1991 in a consortium form [GIE] that allowed EURECOM to build a large network of renowned academic and industrial partners. The Institut Mines Telecom is a founding member of EURECOM consortium. EURECOM research teams are made up of international experts, recruited at the highest level, whose work is regularly honored and has earned international recognition.